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P.A.C.E. Retreat Frequently Asked Questions

​​​Our main program is an annual retreat over Memorial Day Weekend! 

Check it out! - Retreat Photos


What is it?

A glorious weekend filled with life and friendship! We welcome new members into the P.A.C.E. community, hug old friends and leave with a sense of spirit and hope. Let's keep celebrating each other!


How much does it cost?

The P.A.C.E. retreat is free for any young adult between the ages of 18 and 25 with a history of congenital heart disease (CHD). However, one of the goals of the P.A.C.E. program is to help young adults with CHD move into the adult world, which includes paying your own way for things. As such we encourage you to pay as much or as little of the $250 cost as you can.


What if I didn’t go to Camp del Corazon?

It’s true, the P.A.C.E. program is part of the Camp del Corazon organization and many of our P.A.C.E. participants are ex-campers, but we are open to all young adults with CHD, regardless of whether they attended camp or not. Many PACERs may know each other from years of going to camp, but I promise you will make friends quickly.


What is the P.A.C.E. retreat like?

The retreat is an ever-changing experience that transformed each year based on the desires and the needs of the P.A.C.E. community. We will have group discussions on topics related to your lives with and without heart disease. It will be a weekend full of team building activities and networking within the young adult CHD community.


What if I can’t be there the whole time?

The retreat is scheduled from Friday at 5pm until Monday at 12pm. We are all adults and we understand that everyone has school, and jobs and family obligations so you are free to come and go as needed to the retreat. We only ask that you let us know when you are going to arrive, and let us know when you leave.


Where does the retreat take place?

The home of the Annual P.A.C.E. retreat for the past 5 years, and hopefully moving forward, is Camp Bob Waldorf on the Max Straus Campus (I know a long name), we tend to just camp it Camp Max Straus. It’s located in the Montrose area of Glendale, CA at 1041 Shirlyjean St. Glendale, CA 91208.


Who do I contact for questions?

You can email

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